Langreview Kurzkritik English Version Fakten + Credits
The city of Freiburg im Breisgau has a treasure that can no longer be found anywhere else in Germany: a women’s outdoor pool. This special feature is rooted in history, because when it was founded in 1841 it was still operated as a men’s pool and 45 years later a separate women’s area was added to maintain a strict separation of the sexes. To keep prying eyes out, the area for female visitors is completely surrounded by walls, hedges and cubicles. While other women’s outdoor pools have been closed or converted into family pools throughout history, the Lorettobad (so named because it is located at the foot of the Lorettoberg) retained this unique selling point. Instead, the men’s area was restructured into a family pool. According to the house rules, however, the women’s rule does not apply to the staff, which is why a male lifeguard can work there, which has caused quite a furore at times.
Doris Dörrie, who lives in southern Germany, was once described by Der Spiegel magazine as Germany’s most successful female director and has a star on the boulevard of stars in Berlin, has taken on this particular culture in her new film. Alongside Nilam Farooq, who most recently released the films CONTRA and EINGESCHLOSSENE GESELLSCHAFT with Sönke Wortmann, Andrea Sawatzki can also be seen once again in a major role in a feature film. At the time of review publication, the film is celebrating its world premiere at the Munich Film Festival.
Here’s what it’s about
In Germany’s last women’s outdoor pool, the world still seems to be in perfect order. The regulars relax on the same old sunbathing areas, the children romp around in the youth pool, and women do their laps on the 25-metre track under the watchful eye of the lifeguard. Everything has remained the same here for decades. But when local Orthodox Muslims discover the place, everything seems to change. For the ever-growing group, this place is a miracle, because they can find a little recreation themselves without the danger of male gazes and dive into the burkini. But when they arrive, things suddenly change, because the Freiburg women don’t really like the cultural confrontation, which is why from now on they fight to have their sacred retreat all to themselves again, even resorting to nasty tricks. Can the residents win this confrontation?
Rarely have I been so shocked by a film that I couldn’t find the words afterwards to paint a proper picture of just that. FREIBAD is pretty much the most racist, discriminatory and anti-feminist work I have ever seen. And as if that were not enough, this film is brimming with content-related stupidity and immoderateness. It is completely inconceivable what we are being served here, and it should even go so far that a release of this film should be examined under criminal law, even if a complaint would probably be dismissed with artistic freedom. It is an imposition that people could see this film and possibly be misled into believing that what is being shown here is perfectly fine.
But let’s take a closer look at this disaster. Obviously, screenwriter and director Doris Dörrie is working with a template that already contains a lot of debatable material, because several times police interventions have had to take place in the swimming pool, which is not named in the film, to end massive differences. Now, it would of course be negligent in a cinematic realisation not to address such points, but there are very clear differences in the way racist and otherwise contemptuous dialogue is presented. Even a simple text panel at the beginning, which points out that various dialogues have been taken over unchanged or are at least part of a real history, could suggest to the audience that the scenes depicted do not originate from the world view of the film team. However, this is deliberately omitted here, which means that a large audience that is not familiar with the history of the open-air swimming pool can get the impression that ethnic groups are being purposefully defamed here.
Various hate speeches
The perfidious racism expresses itself in various ways. For example, entrance fees are massively increased only for people wearing burqas and then immediately lowered again, direct and indirect confrontations are sought that drag both religion and origin through the mud, and a fireworks display of clichés is fired off that is probably rarely seen on this scale. It should be noted, however, that these hostile events do not only refer to Muslimas, but also to other ethnicities or even sexual orientations. Surprisingly, there is only one thing that is quite commendable here, as we get quite a diverse cast, including a wide range of body proportions. Bodyshaming is again verbally addressed, but the filmmaker is not above also showing an obese woman in unflattering poses without immediately wanting to create a shameless gag out of it.
That’s how they sit in our shadows too. I mean they come from the desert, they don’t have any shade there either.Freibad
In fact, this is the next tragedy: all the reprehensibly mentioned points are dismissed and equalised with a cheap gag, instead of simply putting them in the room or even criticising them directly. FREIBAD tries to extract an uncharming joke from every scene, no matter how superfluous, and fails on all levels. Neither are the jokes funny, nor logical or well-founded. So the audience has to watch an agitated mob arguing for several minutes about who shit in the pool. As if that wasn’t enough, we get almost every undignified joke about a turd thrown at us that there is, which means that this scene seems to have no end.
Shocking on all levels
But so far we have only focused on the problems with the content. Technically, FREIBAD is no better and would thus be an absolute cinematic failure even without discrimination. Be it the professional swimmer who can’t even master the simplest swimming techniques correctly, the lifeguard who is always asleep and sounds her whistle as a judge’s gavel after every word, the grill master who thinks that a grill becomes halal simply by wiping it down or the cashier who takes bribes all the time and is always spouting some new nonsense. In all corners, the work offers an incredible amount of extraneous potential and stupidity that cannot be explained. While it is commendable that one of the characters is not ashamed of her armpit hair, this moment is immediately destroyed by the fact that it has a completely inexplicable turquoise tinge. So even if such an exaggeration was intended in all scenes without exception, the shot backfires.
It is an absolute impertinence that something like this is being broadcast and even shown at a film festival as a world premiere. Modern images of women and hard-earned manners are transported back to the Stone Age, while the audience is supposed to laugh their heads off at such disgusting productions, which fortunately cannot happen because the work is also completely unfunny. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no discernible purpose, which makes it questionable how a film distributor could wave through such a production and countless German development funds thought that financial support would be appropriate after all. FREIBAD is an insult to the standard of German film, which already does not have the best reputation.
How did you like the movie?
Der Autor scheint ein spaßbefreiter Typ zu sein Auf jeden Fall ist ihm entgangen, dass „Freibad“ eine Satire ist. Und Satire darf alles, muss in alle Richtungen austeilen. Wie Dörries „Klimawechsel“oder Wilders „Eins, zwei, drei“.
Lieber Herr Jung,
auch Satire hat ihre Grenzen. Eine drastische Überspitzung realer, tragischer Ereignisse ist natürlich künstlerisch möglich, sollte dann jedoch, wie in meiner Review angesprochen, angemessen an das Publikum vermittelt werden. Dies geschieht hier nicht, wodurch damit zu rechnen ist, dass viele Menschen gar nicht erst wahrnehmen werden, dass es sich hierbei um die Überspitzung von realen Ereignissen handelt, sondern dies lediglich als Unterhaltungsfilm betrachten und somit sogar noch über systematischen Rassismus lachen. Und selbst wenn wir diesen Aspekt außer Acht lassen, ist diese Produktion schon allein aus technischer Perspektive eine Zumutung an das Publikum.
Ihr Kommentar zeigt hingegen deutlich, dass Diskriminierung noch immer vollkommen in Ordnung ist, solange man so tut als wäre sie witzig.
Sie schreiben von Satire: Satire kritisiert und verspottet. Eine Kritik und Verspottung der Ereignisse im betreffenden Schwimmbad ist vollkommen angemessen, nicht jedoch der betreffenden Personen und Personengruppen.
In der Tat ist mir bei diesem Film das Lachen im Halse stecken geblieben – interessant, dass dies automatisch gleich gesetzt wird mit “spaßbefreiter Typ”.
Cineastische Grüße, MR
Voraus: Ich habe den Film noch nicht gesehen. Die Rezension finde ich allerdings sehr seltsam. Ich würde erwarten, dass das Genre Satire benannt wird. Wenn ich den Trailer richtig verstehe, wird der Blick bzw. die Haltung karikiert, mit der die “alteingesessenen” weißen Frauen den Rest der Badewelt betrachten. Ob diese Karikatur gelungen ist, erfahre ich in der Rezension nicht – im Gegenteil: Es scheint, als ob der Autor die karikierte Haltung mit der Haltung der Filmschaffenden gleichsetzt und ihnen diese Haltung unterstellt. Das wirkt in etwa so, als ob man Tarantino verhaften lassen will, weil er Morde darstellt.
Also Butter bei die Fische: Um welche Personengruppen geht es hier überhaupt? Welche Haltung gegenüber anderen nehmen sie ein? Welche davon wird karikiert? Und ist das gelungen oder nicht?
Hallo lieber kapomuk,
vielen Dank für dein Feedback. Ich habe bewusst auf die Nennung des Genres Satire verzichtet, weil nicht alles wo Satire drauf steht auch Satire ist. Dieser Film fällt definitiv nicht mehr in diese Kategorisierung und es ist regelrecht schockierend, welchen Zuspruch das Werk erfährt. Hierbei verweise ich gerne auf meine Reaktion zum Kommentar von Herr Jung.
Bezüglich der weiteren Kritikpunkte danke ich und werde ich mich, sobald ich die Zeit finde, noch einmal mit meiner Besprechung auseinandersetzen und ggf. schauen, ob ich Anpassungen vornehmen werde. Tatsächlich kann ich jedoch schon darauf hinweisen, dass der Film selbst dafür sorgt, dass den Filmschaffenden eine solche Haltung bewusst unterstellt werden kann, denn nur weil jemand bspw. rassistische Äußerungen tätigt und im Nachsatz ergänzt, dass es Satire ist, handelt es sich dabei noch lange nicht um solche.
Sofern Sie diesen Film noch schauen werden, können wir natürlich gerne einmal intensiver ins Gespräch über die Problematiken des Werks gehen.
Cineastische Grüße, Michel Rieck
Ich fand den Film sehr unterhaltsam, lediglich das Ende ist sehr schwach -am Ende ist auf einmal alles Friede Freude Eierkuchen, ziemlich langweilig.
Ich finde gerade diese Szenen, in denen falsche Toleranz, falsche bzw. Geheuchelte Toleranz abgebildet wird sehr gut und sehr treffend.
Dass die einzig schwarze Person in dem Film aus der Schweiz kommt, genauso wie die Burkaträgerinnen ist ein Versuch, bei der woken Zuschauerschaft anzukommen, leider ist das ziemlich offensichtlich und sehr plump.
Das am Ende nicht etwa die alternde Sängerin Bademeisterin wird (für die das Freibad wie erwähnt wird der gesamte soziale Kontakt ist den sie noch hat) sondern die Burkiniträgerin zähle ich mit zu den Schwächen des Films.
Ich finde der Film zeigt schon gut, wie verschieden Freiheit definiert wird, wie schnell man Vorurteile hat und wie Frauen sich verändern, sobald ein Mann im Raum ist.