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Shotgun Wedding - Ein knallhartes Team Filmstill

Shotgun Wedding – Ein knallhartes Team ©2022 Leonine

For Darcy and Tom, it was supposed to be the one special day in their lives where everything had to be perfect. For a dream wedding in the Philippines, Tom just tries to make everything possible and in all the excitement really forgets to worry about his bride-to-be. But that’s not their only problem, because the crucial day is boarded by armed criminals who want to steal from the well-heeled father of the bride and turn the wedding celebration into a hostage drama. While the guests are held captive, Darcy and Tom must fight out their differences, end them and finally pull together to hopefully get out of the situation alive. But Darcy’s ex, who turns up completely unexpectedly, fuels the discord and so the only question left is whether death will part them.

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You would think that Ryan Reynolds would stand for a certain quality status of his own in the comedy and comedy sector. Even if he merely embodies himself in his performances and the films are always tailored to him, it is probably hard to deny that he has a special sense of madcap humour. SHOTGUN WEDDING, however, clearly shows that there must be one essential factor for this: Reynolds has to be in front of the camera, not behind it. Instead of witty or at least ridiculous and exaggerated humour, Jason Moore’s work only offers us dry and flat gags that were already hackneyed and out of date at the beginning of the 00s. Even though countless dialogues are fed with punchlines, there is only rarely an approach of a hit, which often makes the conversations unattractive, tough and hardly bearable.

Shotgun Wedding - Ein knallhartes Team Filmstill

Shotgun Wedding – Ein knallhartes Team ©2022 Leonine

On the basis of the actually very clear film title as well as a quite striking cinema poster, expectations develop quite quickly in the direction of an entertaining action comedy in slapstick style, in which a void of content could be hoped for, but at least good entertainment. But here, too, the production fails completely. Instead of fast-paced and gripping action, the only thing that is shot with is a seemingly endless string of nonsensical decisions and meaningless exposition. In this way, the film is highly reminiscent of last year’s romance TICKET INS PARADISE, which also fell far short of its potential and took a very similar path in terms of basic structure. The only difference is that the partially suppressed yet coherent dynamics of the two main characters in the aforementioned feelgood film could save a lot.

Shotgun Wedding - Ein knallhartes Team Filmstill

Shotgun Wedding – Ein knallhartes Team ©2022 Leonine

The year can only get better…

The two extop stars Jennifer Lopez and Josh Duhamel, who have disappeared into oblivion, do not manage to create a coherent team and are therefore miles apart, not only on screen. However, it also remains questionable whether Ryan Reynolds, who was originally in discussion for the lead role, would have made a better duo with Lopez. But also in the supporting roles we are fobbed off with a classic B-movie cast, which also presents itself as such in its acting. Be it Mrs. AMERICAN PIE Jennifer Coolidge who mostly delivers her usual annoying and unfunny performance, but at least in one scene can show exactly what the whole film should have offered, or the completely transparent greaseball embodied by Lenny Kravitz – none of them creates a memorable added value. Only Callie Hernandez can prove in her far too few scenes that a little acting talent would do such a production good.


SHOTGUN WEDDING is somewhere between THE LOST CITY, the wedding sequence from MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, THE CONTRACTOR and the aforementioned TICKET TO PARADISE. Whereas it should rather be said that only the location and the type of narration are reminiscent of three of the works and all qualitative aspects are very much oriented towards last year’s misadventure by Chris Pine. Above all, it is questionable why deception in advertising is forbidden in Germany, yet SHOTGUN WEDDING is allowed to use „Ein knallhartes Team“ as its subtitle. Similar to 2022’s THE 355, we start the year with a wannabe action film that falls far short of what the trailer promises and is an absolute disappointment, even with its hackneyed, chart-topping score. It is questionable why Amazon has sought a theatrical release, especially since a streaming release could at least somewhat disguise the many idiocies that this work serves up.

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